Monday, December 29, 2008

Starting Anew

I say, why wait for New Year's?

I found these shoes with my SIL during their visit at Thanksgiving. They were like half off, so how could I say no? (I think she got a pair too!) Love them. We had mild weather today and I happen to be wearing a green shirt, so I had to put them on for the first time.

Look at how cute even the bottom of the Bernie Mev.'s are! Yes, I wore them in mom's back yard which happened to be MUDDY! Eeegads. No sense, Rose. I did back up before I did too much damage. You can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl!

I've been reading Suzanne Summers' new book "Breakthrough." It's all about trying to live a better life through what we put into our bodies. While I know some medicines I will be on for the rest of my life, in regards to hormone replacement, I'm willing to give the bioidentiacal hormones a try. Last summer, after being on HRT for five years after my complete hysterectomy, I decided (with the advice of my blood doctor) to get off the hormones completely. But during this time, I became depressed along with other medical problems. So, low and behold, there was a hormone replacement doctor who prescribes bioidentical hormones right here in Nashville. I was totally amazed! I thought I was going to have to drive to Atlanta to find one of these specialty doctors. So today, with my funny little shoes, I pranced right over and had my blood drawn and set up an appointment with the doc. They also check the thyroid (I have been on synthroid for over 20 years--since I was pregnant with the teenager). I am so excited and optimistic about what I will learn from this doctor. My GYN has said that my hormones are all in the "normal" range. Well, normal for who? Normal for what? I don't feel normal any more.

At the same time as my consult with the new doc, I'm checking into my metabolism. They have a blood test to see how that works also. I'm hoping perhaps they can tell me how I can continue to lose weight and keep it off for good. I've been losing after my appointment with the nutritionist, so that's good. But I have a very long way to go.

I'm looking forward to 2009. It's going to be a good year. I can feel it in the bones (or should I say blood?).



Queenly Things said...

Darn, those shoes are adorable!! I took HRT for all of three months before I said NO, way!! Other than be a crankypuss sometimes, I think things have been pretty okay.
I'm so happy you have found someone who you feel will help you in a way that works.

John Ivey said...

Glad things are looking up. Lord knows we've all had enough bad times.

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

These shoes are very cute! I love them!

I also hope that 2009 will be a better year...



Linda said...

I'd love to try that type of hormone thearapy but don't know if I can find it here. I need to start doing some research and, oh yeah, doing something about my weight. Sigh.

Vita said...

What cute shoes! They are adorable.

Beth said...

Yeppers,,love them shoes too!!! Thats cool about the new doctor. I am going to start trying to lose a few lbs after the holidays. I can't wait to find out what all your doctor does to help you. I sure wish we lived closer so we could go walking together. Hope you have a fun New Years Eve!
P.S. How's Mom doing?

Robin said...

shoes are great! My sister got into that therapy big time....she really liked it. She read the book and everything. I'll have to ask her if she is still doing it!

Janet said...

LOVE those shoes! And good for you for focusing on your health. I took HRT for a couple of months and decided it wasn't for me. I hope the new doctor is a good one.

2009 is going to be a great year!

Dianne said...

You parade shoes before The Shoe Queen? I might come back and steal those--too cute.

I went off HRT quite a few years ago. Had to endure the hot flashes but they finally stopped, thankfully. But, get this, if I'm in a room with women who are in the middle of menopause, I start flashing again! During Esthetics School, I flashed every single day. Days with no school, no flashes. My primitive signs were picking up their signals.

Happy New Year. I miss you!

Jeanie said...

Fab shoes! You are really getting your groove back! I've been lucky since HRT -- no flashes before, during or after. Good luck with that! Admiring it all -- especially your fortitude!

Have a glorious New Year's!

Carole Burant said...

Hello dear Rosa:-)

I'm finally back to blogging and have so enjoyed reading your last few posts. Sounds like you had a lovely Christmas but how scary it must have been to find your mom who had fallen at the top of the stairs. Thank goodness she didn't hurt herself but as you say, it could have been much worse!!

Oh how I love your new shoes, they look so comfy! I need to get myself new shoes once winter is over, all the ones I have are pretty much ready for the garbage!! lol

Good luck with the bioidentical hormones, hopefully they'll do the trick for you!!

Wishing you and yours all the very best that 2009 has to offer, dear Rosa. xoxo

Saucy said...

Nice kicks. I lurrve me some new footwear.

Bioidentical, hey? She did have me intrigued when she was doing the talk show circuit. I might ask my endocrinologist about it. She's very progressive.



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