Thursday, November 13, 2008

Champagne for Everyone!

Yes, today is my birthday, a big ol' 48 I am! I have been overwhelmed with all the love arriving via email, telephone, post and in person. It has literally been non stop. Yay! I love it!! I am so fortunate to have all of you in my life. A big birthday hug to you all!

First I awoke to my favorite weather--foggy, cool and damp.

All the leaves are piled under our little tree and it's so pretty.

In between all the door bells ringing, phone calls and errands, I actually set up a date for the countertops to be replaced. Finally! This truly IS a good day. (Ask me next Thursday, and I'm bound to tell you differently.) Even the rug for the new room arrived. It sits on the front porch waiting for the kid to help me get it in. I'll have to wait to open it until the floors are done next week.

And, on top of that, some really good news. But at first, it wasn't so good. We awoke to a 4 a.m. phone call yesterday morning from the Shepherd Center where my brother Johnny is. He became unresponsive and had to have a breathing tube put in, much like what happened to him in January. I was ready to go down but by 8 a.m., he was stable. The ICU nurse said not to come down but to call this morning. Well, of course I did and he is awake, alert and off the breathing tube! Yay! I am therefore heading down to Atlanta in the morning to stay for a night or two and make sure he is doing better. It's nice having him only three hours' drive away. Wish he lived here. Sniffle. The kid's 15th birthday is Sunday, so I will come back home either Saturday night or Sunday morning. I have a cake to bake, by golly!

These came in this afternoon from the hub. He also gave me a day at the spa. Yum. The perfect gift.

But look at all the other goodies that have been arriving all week! I waited until this morning to open them. Oh my. A big thank you to Jaime, Linda, Natalie, Pammy, Val and my parents-in-law. Is this not booty-liscious?

This great hippie bracelet (as I have named it) is from Val. I have been wearing it all day! She sent an array of other goodies too.

Natalie Sarabella made the lovely card at the top for me. How precious.

In the middle of everything, I was able to finally get the tea in the mail to Rosa in Switzerland who's name was picked. I also got a bunch of lavender to Peggy. I was waiting for a flower box to mail it in. Pammy sent me a beautiful bouquet and so the lavender went straight out. I'm getting ready to go up and get a bag packed for the trip to Atlanta. The hub is taking the kid and I to dinner so I better hop in the shower and get cleaned up while I'm up there.

Thank you all so much for every wish. I send well wishes right back atchya!


Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Happy Birthday, Rosa! May you have a wonderful day with your loved ones!


Rosa xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hey Rose!!! Happy, happy day!!! Sorry I didn't send your wish yesterday........I got caught up in some stuff with my Uncle. I'll write more privately..........
I hope you had the most wonderful birthday ever. God knows you deserve it. XXOO ~ Amy

Queenly Things said...

I hope the happiness continues throughout the entire year.

Farmgirl Cyn said...

Happy belated birthday, Rose!
It has been ages since I have had the time to comment, tho I have stopped by to visit fairly regularly. Glad to see mom is still doing well.
Blessings to you, old friend!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that your day was filled with so much joy, but I'm sure you were worried about your brother. I'm glad that he is better. I was just thinking of him recently. For some reason, he simply drifted through my thoughts. It's interesting how often that happens when I get to know people. You were on my mind all day. Take care, Rosemary.

Jeanie said...

Happy, happy day! So, it's TODAY! I'm glad you had happy news for your birthday, along with lovely gifties! Card, etc. coming soon. Meanwhile, have a safe trip to Atlanta and much joy.

Robin said...

Sorry it's late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'm so happy your brother is doing better!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!! Sorry I'm late!!
Hope your day was beautiful!!!

I'm sorry to hear about your brother, but glad to hear he's doing better! I'm sure he was thrilled when you came visiting him! What a nice sister you are :-)

Janet said...

I feel terrible! I completely spaced out and forgot your birthday. But I'm sending you a huge belated Happy Birthday right now!!

Shelley said...

Hope your birthday was great. Looks like you had a wonderful one.

Saucy said...

Happy Birthday! I hope it was wonderful... it certainly looks so. Here's wishing you a fantastic year ahead.

Anonymous said...

oh happy belated birthday to you rosa!!! it is such a good thing to feel so loved isn't it?
48... you are still a spring beauty

Anonymous said...

oh happy belated birthday to you rosa!!! it is such a good thing to feel so loved isn't it?
48... you are still a spring beauty



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