The lady taking all my info was cracking me up. She was "well proportioned" also. She said that the last time she had one, it wasn't as bad. "Well, honey, when I used to look down, it looked just like a big ol' dinner plate! I think I must somehow be related to Dolly Parton!" hehe. The technician doing the "procedure" was just as funny. We were talking about our kids and I told her God had given me two boys because I don't think I would have been able to handle girls. She then proceeded to tell me "Lord, I have a 14 month old girl; and I swear God made a mistake! I told him I didn't want no girls! She came outta the womb crying and sucking! and she still is to this day!" ha. We were both laughing so hard, we were crying, which made the whole experience bearable. I told her as I left the torture chambers, "She'll bless you one day--she'll be the one taking care of you in your old age, not your sons." She smiled and nodded as I'm sure that hit home to her.
When I left the office, I went to the little sandwich shop they have on the way to the parking lot. It was already 3 p.m. and I hadn't eaten anything. I got me a chicken salad sandwich and sat to eat it. All of a sudden, I had an extreme urge to pray for all the poor folks in the hospital who would never leave. It saddened me so. How fortunate I am to have my health and that of all in my family. We're all doing pretty well, with the exception of my brother Johnny who still has a pretty bad pressure sore. He's waiting to get operated on once his protein levels are high enough. I pray for him every day that he will be well enough to get out of bed and back in his wheelchair. I truly don't know how he does it.
As I pulled out of the hospital building, there was a beautiful rainbow just in front of me. I smiled at the sign. Then, as I was pulling onto the highway, there was a little slowing at the merge. A car slowed down and waved me in. I looked back to wave a thank you and it was a nun, dressed in her full habit. I smiled at the sign. I thanked God for my wonderful life.
Isn't it amazing how little signs from above can make you feel so safe and secure. I am truly blessed.